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Publications iconKansas Register

Volume 40 - Issue 14 - April 8, 2021

State of Kansas

Historic Sites Board of Review

Notice of Meeting

The Kansas Historic Sites Board of Review will meet at 9:00 a.m. Saturday, May 8, 2021 via Zoom, hosted by the Kansas Historical Society in Topeka, Kansas. Please note, the Kansas Historical Society is taking extra steps to keep the public, staff members, and their families safe. We invite you to attend the meeting virtually or by phone. The link will be posted on our website at 14-days before the meeting.

The Board will consider the following items:

  • Approval of minutes of February 6, 2021 meeting
  • Historic Preservation Fund grant review committee report
  • Kansas Rural Preservation grant review committee report
  • Consideration of National Register Nominations
    • Cottonwood Falls Grade School – Cottonwood Falls, Chase County
    • Thomas McQuillan Farmstead – Baldwin City, Douglas County
    • Kanza (Kaw) Indians in Kansas (statewide historic context)–Statewide
    • Fool Chief’s Village, Kanza (Kaw) Indians in Kansas context – Shawnee County
  • Consideration of State Register Nominations
    • Liggett House – Herington, Dickinson County
  • Consideration of Relocation Request
    • Furry Homestead – Kingman, Kingman County

The Kansas State Historical Society welcomes individuals with disabilities to participate in its activities. If you have a visual, aural, or other impairment and wish to participate in this meeting, please contact the Cultural Resources Division of the Kansas State Historical Society, 6425 SW 6th Ave., Topeka, KS 66615-1099 or by telephone at 785-272-8681 ext., 240 at least two weeks prior to the meeting to discuss how we can ensure your participation.

Jennie Chinn
Executive Director

Doc. No. 049006